Continued Swelling 2 Weeks After Multiprocedure Faceluft

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Facelift surgery can improve the most visible signs of aging caused by gravity, natural aging, and sun exposure. Even though many patients experience a minimal amount of pain, post-operative inflammation can be frustrating. Board-certified and award-winning facial plastic surgeon from Newport Beach, Dr. Kevin Sadati can explain the side effects of surgery and how to stay comfortable during facelift recovery.

Swelling after facelift surgery is a normal part of the healing process, but you do not have to suffer these effects in silence. Dr. Sadati is offering online consultations to his patients in Orange County, CA so they can find out about facelift after care from home. Learn how to reduce swelling after facelift surgery with these five simple tips in Newport Beach, CA.

1. Pay attention to post-surgery instructions

During a facelift consultation, Dr. Sadati will review the basics of the procedure and assess your personal health to make sure you are ready to go under the knife. These precautions can prevent complications or setbacks in the healing process. We may also discuss your goals and expectations before scheduling the procedure. A member of our team will give you post-surgical instructions and guidelines about facelift after care that must be followed closely to prevent harmful side effects, like inflammation. This information may include instructions on:

  • How to change your bandage
  • Cleaning and caring for your incisions
  • Taking prescription or over-the-counter medications
  • When to return to normal activities and exercise

2. Use cold to fight inflammation

There is a reason people use cold compresses to heal small bumps and bruises. Freezing temperatures constrict the blood vessels and fight against swelling. In addition, cold can numb the nerve endings and reduce pain. Ask Dr. Sadati about how long you should apply cold compresses. Keeping the compress in one place for too long could damage the healing tissue.

Remember that heat produces the opposite effect when it comes to inflammation. This means that too much heat will cause the blood vessels to open up and swelling to occur. With this in mind, try to avoid hot temperatures for up to six weeks. If we perform your procedure during warm summer months, stay inside with the air conditioner on as you rest and recover.

3. Keep your head elevated

It is normal to feel some temporary tightness in the face and neck during facelift recovery. However, this feeling can disrupt your sleep habits. At our Southern California clinic, we suggest propping your head up with pillows to keep your head elevated. Some patients like to use a foam wedge or a recliner seat to achieve this effect. Keeping your head elevated is an effective way to reduce swelling after facelift surgery since the blood is actively flowing away from the treatment area.

4. Drink water to stay hydrated (and eat healthy foods!)

Drinking water throughout the day is important for your everyday health, and even more essential for patients in Orange County, CA who undergo facial plastic surgery. Water can promote proper blood flow and prevent dangerous clots from forming in the body. Staying hydrated also plays a role in keeping your skin young and healthy-looking long after facelift recovery has ended.

In general, Dr. Sadati suggests drinking 6 – 8 eight-ounce glasses of water each day. Remember, a healthy diet with plenty of vitamins and nutrients can also take you far in the healing process! Stay away from processed foods and stick with fresh foods and vegetables. Foods that include whole grains may even work to reduce your facelift swelling time.

5. Rest as much as possible

You should set aside an area in your home specifically for rest and healing. Most of our patients in Orange County, CA spend time in their bedroom or living room after cosmetic surgery. No matter what you choose, make sure it is a quiet space free from distractions or loud noises. You should also have easy access to healthy snacks, water, and medications. Your body needs time to reduce swelling after facelift surgery, and this can only happen if you get enough rest.

Learn more about facelift recovery

After undergoing cosmetic surgery, patients experience a number of side effects, including swelling. Thankfully, there are ways to minimize inflammation and reduce facelift swelling time. A healthy recovery begins with an experienced and knowledgeable plastic surgeon. Renowned board-certified facial plastic surgeon Dr. Kevin Sadati has a proven track record of amazing results for countless patients in the Southern California area. If you would like to learn how to reduce swelling after facelift surgery, and facelift aftercare, contact us today to schedule a consultation.


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