Heavy Rain by Quantic Dream took the world by storm with its intricate storytelling and action-packed scenes, but it's entirely unlikely that the developer was remotely aware of the multitude of memes that would be spawned around it, especially those concerning the most pivotally emotional moment of the game -- when Jason goes missing at the mall.

These memes go way back from 2010 to the present, so strap on your seatbelts and let's take a look at the laughs we have had over the collective misfortunes of Ethan Mars and company over the years.

Chocolate Rain

 Chocolate Rain by Tay Zonday was the absolute height of memery in the year of '07, as any internet denizen of the time would likely remember well. Someone on a forum in 2010 had graced us with a little Heavy Rain remix we never deserved, but definitely needed.

Such a solemn, deep song fits wonders for the struggles of Ethan Mars throughout the video game itself, and that of Shaun too of course. We ought to track down this user for a full song cover, don't you think?

And Waiting... And Waiting

Though in 2020 we now have a remastered Heavy Rain introduced in 2016 for the PlayStation 4, it was a long, long time for those back in 2010. Six years waiting for the necessary fixing up of the story-rich game definitely felt like a lifetime -- or perhaps several, given the state of this particular fan.

To turn to bones waiting for that fateful day... at the very least, we can inform their loved ones that their wait wasn't entirely in vain, given that we have indeed received the remastered version of Heavy Rain. If only they could be here to see it!

FBI Special Agent Fox Mulder - I Mean Norman Jayden

Who doesn't like mimicking an accent now and again? In Heavy Rain you play different characters from time to time, one of them being a detective named Norman Jayden who has an interesting, sometimes distracting accent that fans have trouble pinpointing.

Though his voice may sound silly at times, he is one of the most loved and cherished characters of the game, perhaps because he has such personality and splendor in that voice of his. Or perhaps because of his epic virtual-gaming gloves - we mean virtual-detective gloves.

I Had Nothing To Do Tomorrow Anyway

Do you guys see this adorable little guy gaming the heck out of his miniature arcade cabinet? We can all relate to this dedicated fellow right here. Twenty-two endings won't stop us!

Ten hours of gameplay? Us epic gamers think not, good sir. We simply must see what happens if we don't do important quick time events or help our wife with the groceries! Anything is possible. Time to kick off your socks and get a bag of Doritos because it's gaming time until all twenty-two endings are found.

Uncomfortably Close Close-Ups

The lovely loading screens of Quantic Dream games are a specialty, showcasing how realistic and nice their character designs look, it can sometimes be fun watching them look around as if they are a real person.

But it can also be a sordid reminder of what you have just done within the game before hitting that loading screen. Especially if you just did something to the character being showcased. Suppose it's time to reload.

Stop Scaring The Children

The Jason meme shan't be passed by here. Can we take a moment to think about all the little boys Ethan Mars grabbed and shouted at in the mall before actually finding Jason?

If we were that little boy we'd honestly be terrified. Look at the confusion and concern on this little guy's face. Enough for a lifetime, that's for sure. As for the boy's parent, well, let's say the cops would be called if it weren't left at a stern glare and hurried escape. Now, imagine if any of them were actually named Jason!

A Tale Of Two Shauns

To be a video game protagonist who hasn't lost their child is to live a life not yet lived. Apparently, anyway. Nothing brings willpower and strength to the fore more effectively than having to run around the country, or just your state, looking for your kidnapped son -- ideally named Shaun!

Personally, the Sole Survivor of Fallout 4 could have had some more oomph to their "Shaun!" and also could've done with a little less dilly-dallying about, helping strange men save settlements before trying to reach him. Ethan definitely wins the shouting contest, though we do wonder how well he'd handle the post-nuclear wasteland.

Eat The Rich & Attack Your Superiors

Let's keep it real here, there have been plenty of moments in video games where we have just wanted to hit, poison, or kill a character for a number of reasons.

In fact, let's be super honest and admit that sometimes we did follow through on those thoughts! Blake deserves a falcon punch and more, even if it's for the simple enjoyment of hearing Norman Jayden curse him out some more.

Strong Dad Hours

Despite all the memery and jokes about Ethan's life and struggles, there is no doubt he is one hell of a fighter and a father at the end of the day. His life got flipped around twice within a short period of time -- first with one of his children dying, ending in divorce and co-parenting, then next when the remaining child gets kidnapped!

Ethan didn't think another thought when he found out what was really happening with his missing son, though. He immediately knew what he had to do. We mean, what's another finger?

When Will We Get That Norman Jayden DLC?

What can we say? We love Norman Jayden! Ethan Mars may be the main character of the story, but nothing beats a drug-addicted detective with virtual-gloves and a confusing accent.

The fans want more, Quantic Dream. We demand more Norman Jayden. What, you say it's been ten years? Exactly, what better time than now? In fact, give us an entire spin-off game surrounding our dear boy.

NEXT: Resident Evil 2 Remake: 10 Hilarious Memes Only True Fans Would Understand